Now i'm lost and dont know how to start to write even the first sentence. Its been a long time aswell as a long time again i checked myself into my own blog. Well to be franked I was quite amazed to see that my blog had been visited by some anonymous bloggers and have passed some valuable comments. Thanks to them to be more precise. I had a very weird surgery 'pilondial sinus'. Was in a hospital which didnt even have a tv. When enquired for they replied sayin that if at all i wanted such a room then I shud have taken a vip suit and thats 2000 rs/day. Well i was tryin my best 2 keep myself sane and ya I am successful in that. Those 11days made me learn quite a few words in depth like "patience", "control", "emotion" etc. When I reached home my joy had no barriers but short lived as again i had to lay on my bed for a week until my next review thats tom. I wish i wud get a ok certificate. Now since i'm on bed, i'm bloggin from mob.Lemme try to attach a pic too - Lets see how successful it turns around for me.