From the beginning of year 2004- This trend of burqa came into Maldives where in each household one or the other started wearing burqa the other day. It was a kind of a smiling shock to see Maldivian girls/ladies wearing burqa as the onlookers started to believe that finally Maldives is sticking to the religion which it promotes. By the end of 2005 the number of womenfolk’s wearing burqa raised so enormously that we all started to give a wondering smile of shock.
There was a question on everyone’s mind why did all this girls/ladies started wearing burqa all of a sudden and many didn’t know the answer for this very own question. But like how Osama hides in the caved areas of Afghanistan hiding inside in the caves and protecting him from the tri force of Americans, Russian and Britain etc to name a few had got a few relief of safety. The American claim to have smoked Osama out of those caves where he was hiding and which he thought was protecting him. The same way- womenfolk’s are hiding under a scarf called burqa after committing all the sins. Osama has got a reason to hide as he is fighting against the injustice shown towards the Arab world by the rest of the world, but tell me why this womenfolk’s have to? I’m not saying that all women’s who wear burqa are like this but now most of them who are wearing burqa in Maldives are not good and they are doing it as a part to hide there long committed sins. There are girls who talk all the country shit and still pretend to be a good girl by wearing burqa.

A lady happen to go to a friends place and there she see her friend wearing a burqa and she likes the style in which she was wearing the burqa and thus a conclusion comes from tomorrow on I too will wear a burqa at least it wont let others see my small falling hairs or else it might even hide the marks on my neck and might give me a new personality look. There are thousands such silly reasons for which the women of this century are wearing burqa.
Installing a burqa on your head successfully isn’t enough for you to be a so called “Solih kujjeh/anheneh”. The meaning is vast from various widths and heights.
Wearing a burqa but showing your navel and working around is not how it’s been told in Quran.
Wearing burqa with a big necked shot tops is not how it’s been said in Quran
Wearing burqa with see through skirts is not how it’s been said in Quran
Wearing burqa and indulging in sexual pleasures before marriage is not how it’s been told in Quran
Wearing burqa and doing bad things isn’t how it’s been said in Quran.
Burqa is not a fashion but it’s a tradition and respect the tradition. If you can’t then do it why abuse it or give a bad meaning for it?
Youngester of this generation feels that if a girl wears a burqa it means that she has done a big crime and is trying to hide herself from that. Whereas in earlier day it was so different- Everyone respected the girls who wear burqa and look at nowadays. It’s so different.

This is famous Maldivian film star Nisha, she said that she wont act anymore instead she is going to be a good lady from now on and she started wearing burqa- who know wat all sins she committed and just look at this pic, which talks more about how good she is.
“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty......And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms...." (Quran 24:30,31).
!There are good girls who wear burqa also- My aim is at the bad girls of the society who wear it just for the sake of wearing or as a fashion!
u forgot that bit about how unfairly the girls with good intentions are treated when they wear the constant stream of "OMG! why? what on earth possesed u? u look terrible"
it should be a hard desicion to wear burugaa but the society here makes it one.
totally unfair i think.
the person who actually tries to follow the rules is cast outside like a stranger
verrry nice article btw
its FASHION for sure
i noticed that more than half of chse students are wearing burgaa now!!
cause: not sure, there were some papers sent by ali rameez abt not wearin burgaa and all, some of the gals i know read that and wore burgaa the others, well they were wearing the shortest stuff they cud get and now wearing burgaa.
and ive seen ppl wear burgaa one day and the other day without it
cause: doctors advice, headaches and all
Thanks you guys for the comments- Its good to see u guys opnion N I dont know the xact happening as I'm living far from there (India) but just write with the piece of knowledge I get- So cant go more into detail.
Thanks for the valuable comment again
heres smthg from ali rameez's yaarabanaa:
sorry abt the low quality, if u want the high quality one lemme know
well....umm...i have known faceveiled maldivian girls who are fornicators and sometimes drug addicts....what's important is intention(not only intention..but correct way of wering it too)...we have to wear it only beacause it is a command...and about it..i have posted lon long ago.. here...
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