A kiss on those dried lips,
Smothering for a salivary wetness,
Asking for a roll in tongue,
Inside out from down to top,
A kiss that would make me feels heaven,
A touch that would make me feels hell fire,
A life that can make me drown in love,
A beginning kiss to start the never ending Love,
All I want is a taste of your lips to start….
The never so ending love story of ours…..
Gone down on ma knees,
Prayed on ma knees,
For hours
For days
For months
For years-
Got you as my answer,
Haven't I loved you more than the way you expected anyone to,
If not- I'm always trying to be amusing and surprising in loving you,
The hand I seek to hold in ma troubles, pain and sorrow,
I found out from the blue sky just looking at me-
Never saw anything more beautiful than your smile,
Anything sexier than the glitter of your eyes,
Prettier than your face-
I fell in love with the beauty of you within and out
The hand that I saw lifted me up from darkness
Into thy world of Love care and affection,
I learned to walk holding her hand,
I learned to live holding your hand,
I learned to love holding her hand,
I learned to love this life holding your hand,
The hand of yours can make my future bright by lighting the
Lamp of love and togetherness in one torch of wisdom and beautified future-
lol man! nice one.. are these from ur experiences.. u can answer this question in pvt! :P btw, whose lips are they? surely not urs :p hehe.. i like the poem, its kewl :)
tll me where do u get these ideas from???
Well tell me who u r ;) then I might tell u from where I get them. Its all imagination to be frank.
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