“Ongoing violence a situation that brings that sense of fear into your tickling bone to shake in fear of some unknown bad happenings”
There was a time when this country was known as one of the safest country to live and even now also the tag has been there but slowly with each progressing night, it is brought under the street lamps that it is not as how it was a decade or a year ago. Constant fear of whether I would reach my home safely even while riding or even while walking is running amok like a mad bull inside our hearts. The first sigh of relief is only felt after you see the open door of your house where you find the safest zone in the country.
This country has also amazed a lot of foreign staff not just with its paradise beauty, but when they see ministers from different ministries of Maldives who are running the government walking on the road or standing on the parkway waiting for a taxi or chatting with a friend. These are very common sights and it amazes the foreign workers who have to live under such tight security zones in other respective countries. But these are days which are soon to be gone, when you would find everyone confined to there own safe zones and the word fear is in tip of the tongue.
The recent gang fights are still a mystery for the common man to understand, even though many speculations just roam around by each other blaming each other, by agency pointing fingers at each other and by policy makers finding loopholes in laws. Now when you ride a bike at midnight, you have to be very cautious of the bike behind because you will never know when they would take out the weapon and slaughter you on your butchering table. When you are walking on the streets, you wouldn’t even have a split of a second to think when the knifes devour your dress and penetrates into your colorful life filling it with just two colors of deep red and black-out.
Even if you sit down on a big conference table with all the law makers or community members, you are not been able to control this situation or bring the peace and harmony back into the country.
The country has plunged back into normality after the intense patrolling by the police and military force, but how long would this be? How long would this patrolling be? Are we in a war zone? Are we in a civil war? What is really happening?
After some long thoughts and after some observation, I came to blame the whole thing on the parenthood of these crime stars. The simplest question that came to my mind was, what are these kids doing so late in the streets of male’? Aren’t there parents searching for them? Aren’t them even thinking where there kids are? Don’t they impose any kind of restriction?
Yes, if you have observed the present generation, the way the parents grow there kid is a sad story to watch by providing and feeding them with each and everything they request. If not in there hands, take loans or by any means fulfill the dreams and let them live the way they want. Human psychology says that if you let a person develop a certain behavior then no way you can bring that person to adapt to another behavior and it might cause in split personalities. In my times, I didn’t even dare to say a single word against what my parents use to say – how much I want something, if they don’t want to give me, I have to go with that. But in present generations if you don’t give anything they want – the whole house is brought down into pieces. I have seen parents who are been beaten by there little kids and they laugh over it and never say a word. I have seen kids of this generation who has beaten or hit big guys of there family in dislikes or fun and still there parents laugh over it and never say anything to stop those acts which are in the end fueling the behavior of these young generations.
Now, if the parents are been able to take charge of there kids by putting restrictions and making them learn the proper manners. This violence would never be seen in anywhere in Maldives… now do you think it is the police who have to go to the entire house and make sure that all there kids are at home and sleeping? Is it the military personals job to see how this people are behaving?
Thirdly, if any of these kids are arrested – it’s the parent who tries to defend them in the first place and later just let them go with the same life style after the release.........
I stop here with my view on this which can be just a 5% factor according to others, but as per what I have observed it is the major factor and this is time to bring awarnes among these parents....
1 comment:
It’s a well known fact that ‘gang fights’ has gone to its extreme in male. In my opinion, the best way to tackle with these instabilities with the gangs, that they stand up for blood-sheds, is to eliminate the reasons.
When we look closely at ‘these’ people, it’s obvious that they have a huge financial backup. They own expensive motor cycles, cars etc. I wonder, how on earth these guys get funds for all those, without working at any place.
I must say, Maldivian Police is totally incompetent in dealing these gang fights. There is no intelligence system or the system has failed.Is the Interpol only for sultan park bombers? Are Police media live casts and press conferences available only for solving religious extremism? Are courts n judicial only apply on cases of people who calls golhaaboa to Maumoon? Are tear gas and other strict protection measures applicable only in himandhoo?
PS: Nice pic by bulhaa
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