Monday, January 22, 2007


Waaakaaaaaaaaaaw Edited

Damn!!I should be glad that I was able to take advantage during ma school/university days. I feel so happy that I Njoyed every dip and sip of my life. Bunking class and going to see those fluffy movies & Yah going to different places in the name of exhibition or Interims – Oh La la!!!! It was all the fun part.A few tips on how I did ma part of escape:

Dad calls in the middle of the most dramatic scene and I never pick the call (You should never pick that call) while I’m busy watching a movie with popcorns right under ma lips smacking with its salty yet corny taste. But I always make sure that I call him right during the intermission/interval/break and before I call him- I search the noisiest end (Theatre Canteen) and call my dad from the middle of the movie buffs and tell him "Dad I was in class, what happened? - I just got my break" (Make sure you bring in ya tired and serious state of voice). With all the noise around he might trust you or might at least feel "ah my boy is somewhere near the books". Yep I am near and it’s in ma bag which I never forget to leave ;).

Pocket Money?
Another major problem among the daring devils who doesn’t have the privilege enough to get pocket money but somehow has to have it so as to enjoy the bit of fun. Here is how I do it?Ask dad money for money to buy a few handy heavy hefty books, get the money and go out to buy it. But always remember to take measures right before you make your first step out - make sure that you already took money for the books that you have bought and is kept untouched from the hysterical intelligence that you possess. Make sure the books are out of the house before you get the money or before you go to buy them. Most of the university books are expensive and yah now just go out and bring the same book back into the house. Now it applies if ya parents don’t ask you for the bill or check which book you bought. Well in that arena I really had a cool dad who never asked me how much it was or for the bills (that’s if it was related to my study materials)

Its time for another study tour from your university to some nearby or far place depending on ya income ;). It can be either wise a tour to an industrial city to give yourself a boast of some experience on the concerned field of ya degree or course and it can also be visiting a branch of ya university based in another city. I had to go to many branches of the university where I was studying for many reasons which ever popped out of my earth during the justification ceremony of where and when and why I’m going?. Damn such a long journey it was ;)

Well the best way to enjoy the life during these days or even later (as per ma view) is Free

Free from Sex (no deals with pimps – Play it safe always)
Free from Drugs (Another way to experience hell within side)
Free from Smoking (Advised not to smoke coz it harms others more)
Free from Drinking (You might end up doing anything which is not pleasant enuff)

Ahh Why am I typing all these blunders? Initially it started like –
Oh lemme see my blog!,
What so many days since I blogged? ,
Damn Lets scribble a few words of boredom and tirdness!!!Although I started it with ma work load - Here I’m writing something totally different.Well its time for me to go home and take a good evening nap ;)
Thinking to go and watch Baagam Baag today in olympus (hindi Movie). But damn me - no one wanna join me in anyways ;)
Cheers - I’m off
UNDP says off the light so as to save money and decrease the electricity bill.
I wud say Lemme off my PC too ;)
I'm Bored - DAMN bored and Tired